suasana tidak bahagia bahasa Inggris
- suasana: ambience; atmosphere; condition; environment;
- tidak: de; did not; didn't; do not; does not; doesn't;
- tidak bahagia: unhappy
- bahagia: be happy; blessed; happy; blissful; exult; peace;
- hari tidak bahagia: unhappy day
- suasana: ambience; atmosphere; condition; environment; situation; climate; flavour; flavour, flavor; note; aura; smell; environs; mood; atmospheric state; surround; feel; milieu; circumstance; glare; air; am
- bahagia: be happy; blessed; happy; blissful; exult; peace; cheery; felicitous; manic; lighthearted; blithe; contented; chirpy; fortunate; glad; blithesome; calmness; content; light-hearted; beatific; joyful;
- memanaskan suasana: set the heather on fire; setting the heather on fire
- menenangkan suasana: hushed
- pergantian suasana: change
- suasana hati: mood; mood (psychology)
- suasana sekitar: ambience; ambience, ambiance
- akhir bahagia: happy ending
- aku bahagia: i am wonderful
- bahagia sekali: be in the clouds